Tern ID
Outdoor Ontario

Tern ID


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I noticed that this tern had an incomplete skull cap, as if its cap slid back revealing a bright forehead and assumed that it is a juvenile tern.  Is this a juvenile Common tern, or a juvenile Caspian tern?

I'm guess it's a juvenile Common tern because the bill is not as intensely coloured and while not thin, it's not thick either.  Then again, juvenile Caspian terns might not have a crimson bill either.


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Very cool shots, even though I have no clue.

Dr. John

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I agree, the bill profile does not look like a Caspian.  Did you hear it call?  The Caspian call is very distinct from the Common.


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Thanks for the tip.  I don't remember if that tern was vocalizing.  I know that C. tern have a very raspy call, like something from Jurassic Park, which is a park that I don't believe Charline has yet visited, but give her time.  I shall look up the call of the Caspian tern and eliminate that tidbit of ignorance from my collection.