Green-backed Heron
Outdoor Ontario

Green-backed Heron


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The last few Green-backed herons that I set eyes on were all in flight.  Restless wings?  I've seen more flying herons this year than stationary ones.  It used to be the other way around.  Apparently a few sightings of Green heron have been reported from Sam Smith, while that park continues to remain a hot spot year after year it is too far away for me, especially when it comes to making regular return visits.  There was a recent fly-over at Reesor and Staines Pond, as well as in the Rouge.  A couple of sightings reported from Darlington (McLaughlin Bay) caught my attention, which is really something because my attention is frenetic.  Much like Cranberry Marsh, that site has the benefit of having the sun over the lake thus favouring light onto the bay / marsh.  Of course, early in the morning there is not much light to be had when hazy diaphanous cloud lingers and sol is reluctant to fully awaken, yet when it finally does the heat sends me home.

Dr. John

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I haven't seen one in years.  There used to be one at one of the smaller ponds in High Park that was quite comfortable around people and would allow me to approach quite closely.  It was great to watch it patiently fishing.


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I used to visit High Park a few times every year but never encountered a GB heron, only GBH and BCNH.  I never made it to the smaller ponds even though I had planned to check them out.  I believe that one is called 'The Duck Pond' ... how original.  I recall a very engaging one actively fishing in a swampy spot within the Rouge, which is an extensive area, and wishing that I had a longer lens than the 70-200mm that I was using at the time.  I don't think that it would have been as engrossed if it had known that I was watching.  I was buried under a camo cover with only my lens sticking out.  A Green heron that I saw at Rattray some years ago was indeed co-operative and quite used to birders hanging around the site.  I managed a close shot of it even with the inherent limitations imposed by my Canon G9 point-and-shoot (pre DSLR days). Those Nikon Coolpix PAS cameras that are currently available have enormous magnification but I didn't really plan using the G9 for birds.  It was a gift and meant for general application and it was a terrific piece of kit for that purpose.  It is also attractive to look at because it reminded me of an early rangefinder camera, like Leica.  It felt great in my hand and I guess that the heron appreciated it too.


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The GBH has a short distinct call, like a “phew”. Heard one last nite. This is in southwest Caledon on the Credit river.   Not to take away from the GBH, but earlier in the evening , heard a BBC calling across the river!!!!!


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Well, that's because the volume was probably cranked way up since the BBC has the best programming.


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There was one in CSSP in April. Don't know if it's still there.

Wish I could get one in flight too.