I would imagine that mildew requires moisture and if your plants are inside under the influence of AC then moisture would not be an issue. AC does remove heat and moisture from inside and directs it outside (fan blowing over compressor) so where is your internal source of heat, beside that entering from the outside? Even a window unit would have the compressor on the exterior section. My father used to grow both Early Girl and Sweet 100, among others, but the blight won out. Changing the location of the bed didn't help much more than a year. When he was in the hospital I brought a whole bowl of cherry tomatoes (red and gold) into the room and shared them with a neighbouring patient who couldn't believe that tomatoes could actually taste like that. Store-bought tomatoes are mostly used for colour, not taste. In order to genetically engineer tomato DNA to produce long-lasting fruit, that can withstand some abuse through shipping and handling, it must lose some other trait, which happens to be taste. Society has created its preferred hierarchy, looks before taste, beauty before brains, fame before talent ... you know, the product of propaganda. You will appreciate what we want you to appreciate, place value where we want you to place value, or cease to understand what quality even means, just like society has collectively agreed to cease to understand or value what privacy even means in everyone's strive to be famous. So now we have beautifully uniform, perfectly-shaped bland tomatoes without the hint of a visual blemish and never mind that in doing so we have removed the very sole of the tomato, not very good and not very bad, just milquetoast. As long as it looks good and we can sell it and make an obscene profit. Also, a tomato with character might be wildly appreciated by a few with taste and hated by even more people that can't handle such qualities, and that situation might harm commerce. I could go on but I've already alienated half the population of this forum ... all three of you.