August 20th - Pickering lakeside park (PLP)
Outdoor Ontario

August 20th - Pickering lakeside park (PLP)


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Started just before 7 a.m. in order to get enough sunlight.  NW breeze that sometimes died away for a spell.  Juvenile migratory warblers definitely heard upon arrival, but most birds were high in the trees. Sightings include:  American redstart (many) / Magnolia (many) / Common Yellowthroat / Black & White / possible Nashville / Least flycatcher / Gray catbird / Kingfisher / Carolina wren /  Cooper's hawk / RT hummingbird (briefly feeding on Jewelweed blooms / Chestnut-sided warbler / Baltimore oriole / Cardinals / Chickadees (many) / Goldfinches (many) / Yellow-rumped warbler (adult) x1 / Downy WP x2 / Northern waterthrush x 1 / Common loon (lake) / Chipping sparrow feeding cowbird chick / RE vireo / Black-throated green warbler.  There may be one or two other species of juvenile warbler that I can't recall but I will need to check photos and see if I missed something.  I specialize in missed photos.