Arrived at PLP at about quarter to seven in the morning when the sunlight was still tinged orange and found no activity in the tall cedars broadside to the rising sun. It was about 12 degrees at that time. I headed for the first shrub-line across the field because that was far enough away from the bluff-side trees to get sunlight. Besides, the bluff-side trails are so severely grown together by weeds that they remain unfriendly. I noticed migratory bird activity as I approached. I knew that I had perhaps about an hour before staff would start to arrive for day camp and unpack the noise and disturbance inherent with set-up procedures. By the time the smelly diesel-powered vehicles started annoying me I left to head east to the little used gravel parking lot to check the tree line. When I got to the lot it was full of cars. What gives? I soon discovered half a dozen 5-ton trucks, several platoons of people and myriad paraphernalia that suggesting some money-making use of park land. Makes me think of capitalist theme park.
Sightings include: Red-breasted nuthatch / Red-eyed vireo / Least flycatcher / American redstart (juvi + adult male) / Yellow-rumped warbler (juvi) / Magnolia warbler (juvi) / Northern Parula (juvi) / Chestnut-sided warbler (juvi) / Nashville warbler (juvi) / Baltimore oriole / Black-throated green warbler / Downy WP / Cardinals / Blue jays / Gray catbird / Cape May warbler (juvi) / Carolina wren / Kingfisher / and lots of chickadees.
With the interruptions that soon prevailed it was hard to get photographs. Also, my AF is too slow due to my using an old lens that is further encumbered by a 1.4X TC attached. The first generation image stabilization (IS) is not that profound, thus making in necessary to boost the ISO to uncomfortable levels. There should still be a N - NW wind tonight so that tomorrow morning should be worth going out for.