More Juveniles
Outdoor Ontario

More Juveniles


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North wind last night and a dramatic drop in temperature all spells migration activity, both good and bad.  The few shorebirds that were reported on Saturday and Sunday were all gone this morning, having taken advantage of the wind.  Some juvenile warblers made their way to the lakefront from up north on that same wind.
Sightings included: B&W / Am. Redstart / Magnolia / N. Parula / Prairie / Myrtle / Blackpoll / Bay-breasted / Nashville / Wilson's / Yellow / Osprey / Wood Pewee / Catbird / Hummingbird / RE Vireo / Crows / Palm warbler / Kingfisher / Pied-billed grebe.

Wilson's warbler

N. Parula

N. Parula

Myrtle warbler

Wilson's warbler

Possible Blackpoll

Palm warbler

Common Yellowthroat

Prairie warbler


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    • Posts: 3241
September 3rd ... hunting for juveniles.
I started about 7 o'clock this morning heading for the bluffs in Pickering.  Temp was initially about 11 degrees with light wind in full sun.  After I parked and exited the space ship I heard no bird sounds.  Not good.  Then I heard a cardinal and soon afterwards a blue jay.  There was no warbler twitter and yet the tall cedars are only about ten meters away.  I expected more sound, but then again, I'm somewhat delusional.  I therefore headed away from the bluffs and steered a course for open sun, despite the risk of melting my enthusiasm.  At the second line of trees I noticed some activity, a few warblers but not much variety, which is the essential spice of birding.  There were mainly Magnolia warblers and Red-eyed vireos.  Every flash of yellow was a Magnolia, every flash of not-yellow was a RE vireo, every flash of red ..., well there were no flashes of red because the cardinals were juvenile and/or females.  Sightings included:  Bay-breasted, B&W, N. parula, catbird, RB grosbeak, BT green, Myrtle, C. yellowthroat, Chestnut-sided, crows, and then I spotted one dead battery.  Fortunately I had a spare.  All that stagnant electrical sludge at the bottom of the battery was slowing my auto-focus.  At least that's what I tell myself.


Black-throated green


Black & White

N. parula

Red-eyed vireo