Cranberry Marsh - Virginia Rail, Sora & Snipes
Outdoor Ontario

Cranberry Marsh - Virginia Rail, Sora & Snipes


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I returned to Cranberry Marsh early this morning because I know how to get there so that I can snooze on the way.  Almost missed the turn-off at Salem.  Slept right through Hall's Rd. and had to make a U-turn.  Two Virginia Rails were near the beach.  I call one of them CN rail and the other CP rail, but honestly, it's hard to tell them apart.  One of them was a little more active but spent most of its time within the dense reeds.  Sometimes they would chase each other.  A rail can move very quickly when it wants to.  It can shoot across an opening like a bullet.  A Sora also showed up. Once again, there were two of them.  I didn't name them.  No way that I'm naming a swamp chicken.  I have standards.  They can really move quickly too.  In a race between a Sora and a Virginia rail the rail will win.  If I can rustle-up a sponsor I may have them race each other but I would need Charline to video the event.  I'm such a child.  The snipe were about 20 meters, or more from the beach messing around in the muck between the half-dried lily pads.  They are kind of out-of-reach for me.  One person on site had a 600mm f4 lens with a 2X TC and had no problem performing a snipe eye exam.  A N. harrier flew around the marsh a couple of times but not close enough to photograph. There was no sign of the American bittern but an osprey still perched on the SE corner where there is no water at all.

Juvenile Marsh wren


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Are your CN and CP parked at the same spot for you every day?  Which train is your choice??  ;D


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You say that in jest, but seriously, they are parked at the same spot.  The two rails, the two sora, the wrens and even the bittern are all seen at the same spot.  Since that is the only puddle of water it attracts them all.  As for telling the rails apart ... dems awl da syme, dems awl alike! I went there again this morning 7 a.m. until 10:30 and still no bittern.  It appeared late yesterday morning, after I had left and then again in the evening at about 6:15 according to another Charline who got good shots.  I'll never get the bittern.  Maybe I should change my name to Charline and try again.


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This Charline is, unfortunately, taking a break from bird photography so her spine and arms can recover a bit from the injuries.

Maybe she can be spotted in Muskoka soon.  ;)