Sept. 20th - Cranberry Marsh
Outdoor Ontario

Sept. 20th - Cranberry Marsh


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One more try this morning.  Still no bittern.  Rail and Sora still present.  Harrier appeared twice while I was there but not close.  No snipe seen.  The bittern showed up late in the morning yesterday and (I think) again late in the day ... after 6:15.  There is no way I'm going to handle the east-bound traffic of the 401 late in the day with the inexplicable hold-up around Salem, and even west of there.  Stop and go ... every day.  I would go ballistic!  I'll monitor eBird and see if the Am bittern shows up in the next few days.  Tomorrow may be rain, on and off, and the # of birders on-site on a weekend might be just too much to tolerate.  Even today there were about ten photographers.  I swear, does everyone have a 600mm lens?  I suppose that I couldn't ever get one because then I would no longer be short-sighted.

Sora eating a dragonfly

Juvenile Magnolia warbler
« Last Edit: September 20, 2024, 04:31:09 PM by Shortsighted »