Short visit to Cranberry Marsh after the rain
Outdoor Ontario

Short visit to Cranberry Marsh after the rain


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Last night's rain has created more puddles on the semi-dry marsh.  There was a nice breeze but the air was very humid.  First two vantage positions, which look onto the same patch of marsh looked deserted but after a few minutes I noticed movement, which turned out to be three Greater yellowlegs.  They kept their distance from the beach pretty much constant.  The third observation spot (near field only) had a single Great blue heron, which was quite close.  I hunkered down on my pad in the shade of a bush and scanned for other visitors, finding none.  No sora, no rail, no snipe.  At one point the heron was a few arms length away from me, on the other side of the bush.  I could see its head just beyond it.  I half expected it to poke its bill into the bush in my direction and pish, "hey buddy, whanna buy sosme fish".  Instead, it climbed over a dam construct to reach the deep puddle on the other side. After 10 minutes it effortlessly climbed back over the obstacle using its long legs. Show-off!  Expect more aggressive rain for the next two days.  I wonder if anyone will spot the bittern today?


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Another visit to Cranberry Marsh in Whitby revealed yet more water on the previously desiccated expanse.  Instead of the odd puddle, there is now shallow water everywhere.  Greater Yellowlegs are still present.  I counted three of them.  Wilson's snipe were apparently out in the open before I got there but were way off and out of my reach when I arrived.  A sora was also seen and well-photographed, but once again, it was not to be seen after I arrived.  Are you sensing a pattern?  Rusty blackbirds on site.  No sign of the Am. bittern.  A N. harrier seen way off in the middle of the marsh and flying northward instead of toward the beach where all the glass hangs out.  A few warblers around, mostly Yellow-rumped and Palm.  Saw an Am. Redstart, Bay-breasted and N. parula on the short trail that leads to the beach and marsh-front.  Also spotted one Yellow-bellied sapsucker way up in a tree.