Last night's rain has created more puddles on the semi-dry marsh. There was a nice breeze but the air was very humid. First two vantage positions, which look onto the same patch of marsh looked deserted but after a few minutes I noticed movement, which turned out to be three Greater yellowlegs. They kept their distance from the beach pretty much constant. The third observation spot (near field only) had a single Great blue heron, which was quite close. I hunkered down on my pad in the shade of a bush and scanned for other visitors, finding none. No sora, no rail, no snipe. At one point the heron was a few arms length away from me, on the other side of the bush. I could see its head just beyond it. I half expected it to poke its bill into the bush in my direction and pish, "hey buddy, whanna buy sosme fish". Instead, it climbed over a dam construct to reach the deep puddle on the other side. After 10 minutes it effortlessly climbed back over the obstacle using its long legs. Show-off! Expect more aggressive rain for the next two days. I wonder if anyone will spot the bittern today?