This is the final day of the month of September and the weather is fine. Although not particularly windy this morning the small golden leaves, not red, were gently falling, although not so much outside my window as the wonderful melody describes. When I'm perfectly still, despite the inner turbulence, and watching the trees and bushes for movement and twitching, then the intermittent shower of tiny yellow/brown leaves present as a considerable distraction. I think it's a bird, but it isn't, but I get used to compensating, at least until I can't.
The first bird that I saw was a Nashville warbler which appeared ahead of me and much too far away for my 420mm reach. Subsequent sightings include: one female Eastern towhee, three Blue-head vireos, two juvenile Yellow-bellied sapsuckers and an assortment of sparrows (Song, Swamp and White-throated). There were a few other species there too, but they were rude so I won't mention them.
I'll try again tomorrow and get there a little earlier.
How about those bots, eh. The invading horde are rattling the gates and trying to get in. If only they knew that achieving a breach of those protective gates would reveal ... nothing, just crickets, and an old crotchety short-sighted apparition.