October 10th - Dead end country road
Outdoor Ontario

October 10th - Dead end country road


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I didn't bother to get up early this morning and therefore left after 10 a.m.  I cruised a dead-end country road because it seemed like an appropriate metaphor for my life: not well-maintained, lumpy and bumpy, a little windy, next to a rut, approaching the end ... except I could turn around.  I rolled down my window and progressed at a walking pace until I saw some bird activity and then stopped and got out.  I noticed a N. harrier over the farmer's field and tried to get a shot of that distant bird through the window portal, but with my TC attached the AF wasn't having any luck.  Then, quite suddenly, the harrier turned my way and approached at speed.  My lens barrel rammed into the window frame.  Why didn't I get out as soon as I saw the harrier?  I got out as quickly as I could but it was too late, the harrier had already flown over me and disappeared behind a large tree on the other side of the gravel road.  Never get lazy.  Other sightings included:  WT sparrows,  WC sparrows (adult and juv.),  Hermit thrush,  Ruby-crowned kinglets,  Palm warblers (juv.),  Yellow-rumped warblers (juv.) and about half a dozen juncos.