Four Sandhill Cranes
Outdoor Ontario

Four Sandhill Cranes


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After almost missing the garbage pick-up this morning I realized, while outside, how benign the weather was compared to the sturm und drang from the previous day.  It was dead-calm this morning and not that cold.  That was a sign.  Time to grab the camera and head out.  I decided to head out to Whitby because it was time for a visit.  Good thing too.  When I arrived there were four Sandhill cranes in the farmer's field and quite a lot of geese.  Then again, when are there not a lot of geese.  Trouble was that the cranes were on the other side of tall weeds when viewed from the road.  I wasn't about to climb a tree.  After surveying the road I found a spot over the drainage water with a deer path to the edge of the weeds and that discovery led to a good place to take photographs.

Crane on other side of tall weeds

Three of the four

Better spot