Thanks for your input. I checked the weight of that Zeiss model and found two values that were dramatically different. One stated just over half a kilo, while the other stated closer to 1.5 kilos, which is heavier than my telephoto lens ... too heavy. Also, Henry's only carries it for online purchase, as if I would purchase binoculars without touching them, feeling them, looking into them. This online business is getting on my nerves. Retail outlets are closing, those remaining are carrying less merchandise because they will eventually close too. I had to drive from Pickering to Whitby to get to an Indigo bookstore because the one in Scarborough is now closed, and then the book I wanted had to be ordered online. The last time I did that I ordered at the end of November in hopes of getting it by Christmas. I finally got it half way through February. Once you pay for something there is no incentive for the company to follow through at their end. I will not be doing that again. I would not pay for anything with a credit card ot debit card from the keyboard of a PC that might be infiltrated with malware just searching for relevant key strokes. A friend tried that on a PC only twice in her life and got hacked the second time and her CC was breached and used by nefarious agents.
Henry's does have a lot of Nikon bins. I have not, as yet, checked their weights. I've learned to keep away from scales and weight issues, but let's face it, one needs to face it eventually. Right now, there are no birds to look at, not even in my backyard. Post apocalyptic! I saw some ice the other day. Ice clinging to the edge of a boulder ... cool. Who coined the term "cool"? Apparently it was the Jazz saxophonist Lester Young. I think he used in in the 40's, but it didn't become popular until the 50's. Then eventually the valley-girls got a hold of it and that annoying inflection ensued. You see, there I go again, I digress.