Big Melt!, wild life is stirring Milton, on
Outdoor Ontario

Big Melt!, wild life is stirring Milton, on


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Two nights ago at 01:00 hours I spotted a Skunk for the first time this year, it was across the street heading between houses. This was just before the big melt started.

This evening around 19:30 hrs I was out on the back deck and spotted a Racoon skulking about in neighbours  yard. I startled it and it climbed one the trees in their backyard. I called my wife out to see and ended up throwing a snowball at it which failed miserably. Mr/Mrs Racoon just climbed up the tree further.
Earlier in the afternoon while standing at the back door looking at the empty feeder a Hawk (Coopers?) zoomed thru the backyard.
Note: when filling feeder I am now looking down  a considerable amount at the top of it instead of being eye level with its base due to the amount of  compacted snow in yard.
Napper :)
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