Hi everyone,
Bear with me on this one, since it seems rather bizarre.
I am looking for help with a bird call that I heard while lying in bed in Downtown TO (Sherbourne / Esplanade / Front St.) at 5.20am (dawn) this morning which has thoroughly baffled me.
It emulated a slow, lower pitched Whip-poor-will, with the "WHIP pewewe Wheww" sound, but there were some significant differences, beyond the obvious location and habitat, that reminded me of an owl's hoot! "HU huhuhu HEWWW". Confused? I sure am! Having listed to 5 or 10 calls online, here are the differences between the Whip-poor-will and what I heard.
First - the call wasn't a shrill whistle - more a hoot-like whistle, but it did still have a subtle melody
Second - the call lasted about 1.5 seconds and was repeated after a further ~1-second gap, rather than being faster and continuous like the Whip-poor-will. It would continue 9 or 10 times and then recommence after a longer pause. This went on for 10 minutes or so, with the same call
Third - the "Wheww" part trailed off rather than ending clearly and it wasn't the highest pitched note - the WHIP was
I have tried listening to Owl calls but I can't find anything consistent enough.
I went outside to look around and the sound seemed to be coming from the roof of one of the nearby buildings...the area is residential buildings in the 8-10 storey range, some of which have gravel roofs / some have rooftop gardens.
I managed to catch a quick snippet using my cellphone voice recorder and will get it online later, but obviously the quality is mediocre and the melody is lost.
Given the location, I am really not sure what it could have been...it's not something I have heard here before. An unusually rythmic Great Horned Owl? A slow, lazy Whip-poor-will? A mimic of some kind? A Mockingbird? It really amazes me what Starlings can do these days but it just didn't quite sound right for a Starling!
Any ideas anyone?
Good Birding,
Bruce T.