In writing something in reply to the Hawk Owl thread, a few things came to me. I'm just putting this out there, because we often talk of reasonable birding behaviour and respecting the animal etc. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for that, but it is only our interpretations of reasonable that differ.
*60ft., 200ft. or leave the owls alone all together? Which is most reasonable?
*Is it reasonable to park on a snow covered country road half in the lane and pull out the bins? Wouldn't that be a consideration in terms of traffic and human safety?
*We also get reports of Hawks etc on highways?!? It's not all passengers making these observations. What are you watching?
*I often find it unreasonable or at the very least uncomfortable to be using my binoculars so close to homes and condos at any number of birding locations in the GTA.
Some might suggest I'm splitting hairs, but really it's just an interpretation of reasonable behaviour or more specifically birding ethics.
That's why, I think, condemning people is not the way to go, and trying to understand and educate is better for all birders and non-birders.
Now let's hold hands and sing kum-by-a!