High Park - Coyote and Fox
Outdoor Ontario

High Park - Coyote and Fox

BC · 1 · 1616


  • Old Timer
  • *****
    • Posts: 247
    • http://www.barrycoombs.ca
A friend and I spent a few hours at High Park around midday today. It wasn't very busy and we were pleased to see a healthy coyote on the prowl on the east side of Grenadier Pond. We were up the hill but it was quite close to onlookers on the main path along the pond.
Later on, we saw a beautiful red fox on the north-east corner of the lower duck pond. It wasn't overly shy and lay down in the snow under some cover about fifty feet from us and yawned.
There were no signs of mange on either animal.
Our birds of the day were a Sharp-shinned Hawk which was keeping an eye on the scores of Robins before it chased off a Red-tailed Hawk. We also saw a small group of Pine Siskins a hundred feet or so north of the guardrail feeders. They were perched in a deciduous tree on the hillside for a few minutes before flying north.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by BC »