I just returned from 8 days in Costa Rica. It was a family vacation, not a birding trip, but of course you can't go there and
not bird.
It took a couple of days before I realized that it was foolhardy to bird without a camera and a telephoto lens. There's just too much to see and too little time to take it all in. The clincher was watching a woodcreeper and getting what I thought were great views only to realize that those "great views" only narrowed it down to 8 species! I finally narrowed it down to 2, but a photo would have nailed it. After that I birded with a camera, no matter how bad the light was.
A lot of my bird shots look like what they are: blurry photos in bad light, but some are a bit better:
This White-throated Magpie-jay liked to steal food from dining room tables.
The subtle difference between this Social Flycatcher
and this Gray-capped Flycatcher are enough to make you doubt yourself.
This Collared Aracari was as close as I got to any of the Toucans.
The colours on the Blue-gray Tanager are much more vibrant than the field guides would suggest.
I only managed to fin 2 species of hummer. The Rufous-tailed was by far the most common.
I had lots of close-up Anhinga views:
This Yellow-crowned Nightheron posed nicely as well.
Most, like this Amazon Kingfisher were a lot harder to get a decent shot of.