As of 1:30 this afternoon and until 2:00 when I left the Snowy Egret was
right out in the open on the large mud flat in Rattrays Marsh ( see Don Perks Ont Bird post below )
Also there wear 27 Red N Grebes out in the lake .
Craig McLauchlan .
----- Original Message -----
From: "Don Perks" <dperks0531>
To: <ontbirds>
Sent: Tuesday, June 27, 2006 11:56 AM
Subject: [Ontbirds]Snowy egret Rattray's
> Tues June 27th.This morning I saw a snowy egret at Rattray's marsh.
> You must go along the beach to the outlet before you can find this
> was right up agaionst the cattails feeding actively.
> 2 Great blues,3 black-crowns a carolina wren plus the usual opthers
> there were no marsh wrens this year.
> Exit the Q.E. at # 126 south on Southdown to the Lakeshore east
> Bexhill Ave.through the clarkson village.Park at the end of Bexhill at
> Gatehouse Dr.and walk to the lakefront and west along the shingle beach to
> the outlet.
> Good luck.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Craig McL »
Excuse my spelling and Grammar, I am Dyslexic thank you.