I am visiting Windsor for the next month from the West coast. I would like help in finding several target species as well as any other uncommon species in the area. I have visited this area many times in the past and have birded Pt. Pelee and Ojibway park in many summers-so I need little help in the common birds of these areas. Perhaps some of these are not actually found in this area, but my Target species are:
Eastern Screech Owl - glaring hole in my life list
Sedge Wren
Northen and Louisiana waterthrush
Henslow's sparrow
Cerulean warbler
Acadian Flycatcher
Yellow-throated Vireo
and any resident warblers
Thanks for any help that you can give me. Also are there any birding trips in the area during the month of July. I would also be open to suggestions of areas within a days drive, though my transportation abilities are limited. Feel free to reply directly to
Don Berg