Let's take a parallel for argument's sake: I live in a new residential development outside of Sudbury, have bears in my back yard, the new development has displaced them from x hectares of nearby land they used to call home, and they are now starving due to development killing off their food source. I keep my garbage on the back doorstep because I am lazy, and as a result, bears are showing up on my property. Okay to kill them then?
I saw the habitat these Coyotes are living in. People have dumped garden brush, branches, and otherwise practically put up a sign saying "free coyote lodging here". These seemingly innocent garden dumpings are asking for trouble, are against city by-laws (dumping on public land), and are common throughout the city, especially in ravine lots where it's easy to "chuck" stuff over the fence.
At the same time, construction is taking place all over the city, gradually displacing wildlife of all sorts, compressing them into the fewer remaining "wild" pockets of land they can survive on. These areas are close to residences, and therefore close to dogs, kids, and cats.
A few years ago near where I live, a sewer twinning project took place in the local ravine. They started down south and gradually destroyed the ravine as they dug it up to put in sewage pipes. As the work moved north, it forced animals including deer, coyotes and foxes northward. Eventually these animals ended up pushed onto and around airport property. They then became a danger to airplanes. Get out the 12-gauge, right?
Sorry, in my opinion our politicians pander to society a little too much and don't put enough forethought into coexistence with wildlife. Skunks or raccoons start appearing because people dump garbage all over the place? Shoot them. Housecats out eating birds get caught by coyotes? Shoot the coyotes.
I have holes all over my garden from squirrels burying peanuts. The peanuts were fed to the squirrels by my neighbours. Current logic would say to shoot the squirrels, when in reality, my neighbours are the problem.
If you ask me we should be able to do better than this. Just because Man is the most intelligent, and has managed to organize into a position of dominance over all other species doesn't mean it's right. It's about time people stand up and see this instead of constantly deciding that what's in our interests is what needs to be done.
"Oh dear, there's coyotes and foxes in High Park. I can't run my dog off leash. We must remedy this problem!". I beg to differ.