Outdoor Ontario


Napper · 3 · 3385


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This morning  around 6:00 am at Meadowvale Go Station near the tracks

spotted a bird  that had markings  like "mockingbird bottom wing" but on wingtops and whitish outer tail feathers.

Size of bird was hard to judge. I can only find my "ROM Guide"  at the moment(not that helpful). I put my petersons guide somewhere safe you know the

rest. Can someone point me in the correct direction. Any Help would be be appreciated.


« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Napper »
Interesting site you should check out is https://spaceweather.com/
flkr...http://www.flickr.com/photos/36614671@N06/   Recent updates 2017 old pics
You know your getting old when.....wait, what?


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I found the mysterious "Petersons guide" and had a good close look..

it could have been a Northern Mocking bird but the tail feathers did not seem as rounded as the plates show.

The Bus has tinted windows so colours are difficult to distinguish. I did not think the bird was as large as a Mocker.

has anyone spotted or Heard of any sightings of Mocking birds outside of toronto??? or in Mississauga??

On a side note,,,,, a photobug friend of mine has been camping out at a small lake in the mississauga/meadowvale area bounded by Erin Mills, Glen Erin(East West) and Montevideo and Britannia (North, South) behind the school. He has shown me some very spectacular images of various herons Including a Black Crowned Night Heron, GB Heron etc.. He has also spotted many other birds during the migration period including Redstarts, Belted Kingfishers, Kingbirds..  it might be worthwhile having a look..

unfortunately Google Earth will not bring up the name of the lake the " co-ords are 43.34'78.71, 79.41'21.17"  

Napper. :lol:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Napper »
Interesting site you should check out is https://spaceweather.com/
flkr...http://www.flickr.com/photos/36614671@N06/   Recent updates 2017 old pics
You know your getting old when.....wait, what?


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Today After work I got off of my bus a Meadowvale Go in Mississauga. I was meeting my wife and kids there (Shopping for a fireplace)

My bus was unusually early so I had some time. I had a look around and right there above me in the Russian olive growing beside the station was a

Northern Mocking bird. It at one point had one of the small olives in its beek and appeared to consume it.

I guess I answered my own question.

Napper  :lol:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Napper »
Interesting site you should check out is https://spaceweather.com/
flkr...http://www.flickr.com/photos/36614671@N06/   Recent updates 2017 old pics
You know your getting old when.....wait, what?