This evening around 6:30 pm I went for a little walk over to my favourite pond, hoping to a get a shot of a swallow or a Cedar Waxwing.
Shortly after arriving I noticed a whole lot of ducks and Geese in the pond which is new. I also noticed many Dragon flies and a new sound, Frogs..
The pond is now swelling with water after the recent rains and some of the trees that have been planted are nearly underwater..
While walking along the Northern edge of the lagoon I spotted what I thought was a Accipiter being harrassed so I took a few images (really long
distance) Not so good but when I zoomed in the bird sure looked like a "Coopers".. The two birds that were harassing the "Coopers" settled into a tree
at the far end of the pond (and were very agitated). I walked over expecting grackles and was surprised to see what seems to be a pair of "Eastern
Kingbirds" (based on Petersons guide) After looking at the images It seems infact the birds harrassing the coopers were the Kingbirds..
Napper:lol: the place and the birds are in my gallery