All you can do is try and you may be nicely rewarded.
The hummingbirds (Ruby Throated) usually arrive around Mother's Day so it's a good idea to put out the feeder at the end of April. You might get lucky and have a visitor.....the question will be whether they stay or not. You may even be lucky enough to have an Oriole who will try to pop off the bee guards from the feeder. The key is patience.....just because you don't see any action doesn't mean that nobody's been there.....you just may have missed the event. The local features will also play a role in who you get to see......depending on amount and size of trees or green areas or ravines.
As far as the other feeder goes.......Black Oil Sunflower Seed is usually the best route to take. It will attrack the most variety of birds. Stay away from the cheap mixes.....as they may bring in Starlings and House Sparrows. You can try a Niger (Thistle) feeder as well and you might end up with some lovely Goldfinches.
With the sunflower seed.....among others......you might attract some Chickadees, Nuthatches, Bluejays, Cardinals, Doves, Woodpeckers, various Sparrows and Finches, Grackels, Redwinged Blackbirds, etc.
Good luck and I'm sure you will have success.

P.S. You'll need to consider the innevitable "Squirrel" issue. You can use a baffle on a pole or hanging feeder.....but you'll need to make sure the feeder is high enough or far enough away from any trees. Or you can spend the money on a good quality "Squirrel Proof Feeder".......I personally like the "Squirrel Buster Plus" and am very happy with it's success......see photo below.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Halton Hills »
The world is your oyster........shuck away....
