Yesterday, I motored the back roads from St. Thomas to Port Stanley and observed the following waterfowl and migrants.
The buffleheads, shovellers and ruddies are in full courting displays.
I also have a robin and a bluejay nesting about six feet apart in a white pine tree in my yard.
Driving the back roads
5 Horned Larks
2 Blue-winged teal
2 Black Duck
1 Great blue heron
2 American kestrel
11 Turkey vulture
2 Bald eagle (1 on nest, 1 in nearby tree)
At Hawk Cliff
2 Bufflehead duck (pond @ hawk cliff)
2 Canada goose (pond @ hawk cliff)
1 Red-bellied woodpecker
3 American tree sparrow
1 Fox sparrow
Many Song sparrows
Many Brown headed cowbird
Many Red winged blackbird
3 Eastern bluebird
At Port Stanley Lagoon
4 Northern-shoveler
Many Ruddy duck
Many Bufflehead duck
4 Redhead duck
4 Wood duck
Many Scaup
Many Ring-necked duck
1 Red-tailed hawk
1 Cooper’s hawk
1 Flicker
3 Killdeer
Many Bonaparte’s gulls
6 Tree swallows
4 American coot
Hawk cliff is at end of Fairview Ave/Line south from St. Thomas.
Port lagoons are on Scotch line just north of Lake Line in Port Stanley.
Jim Dunn (
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Jimbo »
James E. Dunn
St. Thomas Ont.