request for assistance in identifying "hawks".
Outdoor Ontario

request for assistance in identifying "hawks".

lordw · 4 · 1547


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I live in the suburbs of Ottawa (Orleans) and enjoy feeding a wide variety of birds all-year round. I especially enjoy seeing a few special birds such as a Cardinal pair which have been coming to my back yard for two years now. Just this evening about 6pm a wild turkey wandered out from the cedar hedge which borders one side of my lot...he had a good look around then casually sauntered off exit stage left. On rare occasions I have seen an owl perched on the back fence or the flash of the shadow of a passing hawk; both looking for lunch.

Anyway, I travel frequently to Toronto and in preparation for my next trip, I request your assistance in identifying two birds I had the great pleasure of observing last Friday morning at approximately 11:00 am.  I was in a meeting on the 9th floor of 160 Bloor St. East (corner of Jarvis I think) in a north-facing office. What to me was a "hawk" left a perch on a nearby building (old Manulife stone building in next block further east on Bloor surrounded by large wrought iron fence with putting green quality lawn?) and floated down to a group of large trees near what on a map seems to be near Collier/Church. There the raptor did a tight circle at tree top level and was joined by a fellow bird; the pair then glided down towards the DVP. I apologize for my lack of precision about those two magnificent birds but I was rooted just watching the show.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by lordw »


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Could be any number of hawks in that area, the most common I find are the red tails. Do you remember the size, colour, any stripping or wing type or even the tail length. Can't really give you an answer with no description, sorry.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Misty01 »


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Thanks, Misty1, for replying so qiuckly and for listing the type of detail you require for identification. I will check with my colleagues and get back to you.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by lordw »


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If the birds were indeed hawks (as oppose to falcons) they would likely be Red-tailed Hawks.  There happens to be an active nest 100 yards from the DVP.  Another possibly would be Peregrine Falcons which nest on the buildings downtown.  The best way to tell them apart is by size.  If they surprised you at being large on first glance then they were likely Red-tails, if they simply seemed to be hawk-like and had pointed wing-tips and a fast driving flight then they were likely Peregrines.  Of course, I've only named these two birds of prey because they are the most commonly seen raptors in Downtown toronto.  There are other possible species, but given your location and description of their flight, I'd put my money down on Red-tailed Hawk.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Iain »
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