An excellent series are the books of Chris G. Earley. Although each book in itself is not that large, they are rather specific, so perhaps a bit cumbersome to carry more than one. Books of the series are:
Waterfowl of Eastern North America
Sparrows and Finches of the Great Lakes Region and Eastern North America
Sparrows and Finches of Ontario (Point Pelee National Park Nature Series)
Warblers of the Great Lakes Region and Eastern North America
Hawks and Owls of the Great Lakes Region and Eastern North America
These books contain photos and information for each species: pics and description of adult males and females, pics and description of spring and fall and immature plumages - if distinct, what to listen for, comparison and nature notes, seasonal status, range maps and a one liner description he calls a "Cheat Sheet" of important field notes of each bird. At the back of the book are pictorial comparisons where one might find confusion (ie: Sparrows with Rufous Crown comparison, Purple and House Finch comparison, Redpoll Comparison, Streaked underpart comparison, Unstreaked or Faintly streaked undertpart comparison, etc).
Definitely worth a flip through at Chapters to see if it is what you are looking for.
Good luck!