Georgetown north
Outdoor Ontario

Georgetown north


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Red shouldered hawk

Eastern meadow lark

Brown thrasher, i had a very nice sing along with this fellow

Tennessee warbler

Yellow rumped warbler

American Raven,  :shock:

yes i know i know, they are not supposed to be this far south by a long shot, but there is no doubt in my mind it was a solo , lost and confused raven, it flew right over me as it was getting gang stooped by a mating pair of crows, as it moved out of there range another mating pair of crows would take over.

It might have been blown here by last fridays bad storm.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Faltorvo »


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I board my horse west of Erin, near Ospringe and have seen a few Ravens over the 4 years I have been there.  I think there has been a pair that nest in Alton for several years in the Millcroft Inn property.  I think  I heard with Southern Ontario becoming slowly more wooded, that the Raven's are moving south abit, but correct me if I am wrong.

I live in Cheltenham and had one fly over one day in the winter, that unmistakable croak.  My bird of the week was a male Northern Baltimore Oriole singing Wed. nite in the top of our poplar tree, gleaming very orange in the sun.  I also had a young male poking around my feeds yesterday morning.  Other birds of note are the turkeys across the river gobbling like mad early this morning and there also is a Brown Thrasher in the field opposite.  Better get dressed, go for the walk and check for new ones coming thru.  Looking forward to the week at Pelee and Rondeau.

Good birding everyone.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by cabz »


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we saw a Raven in Glen Williams yesterday so if its the same one he's still around.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by RKD »