Just returned from the Great North West of Ontario and as usual it was very interesting. The abundance of wildlife is astounding.
I will be brief, in note form so as to not put any one asleep.
Trip north
2 wolves just north of North bay
3 Sandhill Cranes West of Hearst along the Highway
2 Moose at dusk Near shebandowan
While visisting my inlaws (highlights only)
--Many song and White throated sparrows
--Norther flickers in the yard every day
-- Bald eagle Made 2 passes (grabbed a baby duck next door)
20 plus turkey vultures (at the dump) , 2 Red eyed Vireos
1 black bear (at the dump)
1 creeper, many chickadees, and nuthatches, 1 mamma merganser and 15 plus little ones,
2 loons
1 broad wing Hawk
1 Eastern Phoebe (for two days)
1 least Flycatcher (one instance)
2 Gray jays (long hike into the bush)
2 hairy woodpeckers
1 gb heron on the lake
the list goes on and on, I had to take notes
drive home
2 Moose (5:40 am Central time) Quetico park Entry
1 Sandhill Crane 80 km West of Hearst
-- many nighthawks between Cochrane and Northbay
Added a new Album to my gallery today with some some of the stuff I took
I had a chance to meet and ask a local birding expert (D. Elder) some questions (everybody knows everybody in Atikokan) he was really nice.
:lol: Napper :lol: