Migrating Broadwinged Hawk
Outdoor Ontario

Migrating Broadwinged Hawk


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Today,9:05am I saw a migrating(has to be there are no residents around here) Broadwinged Hawk go by Rosetta McClain Gardens in Toronto(Scarborough). It circled several times giving me an excellent view,before carrying on along the lakeshore towards Ashbrides Bay. Its the first one of the "fall" season Ive seen. Few are seen migrating along the lakeshore the last 2 years from Rosetta 5-15.  Since Aug1 Ive seen 32 raptors going by Rosetta McClain Gardens,it starts slowly and by the end of Aug I will see between 100-150 birds of prey. Mid-September sees a definite pick up in numbers. Im there almost daily from now until the end of Novemeber counting. Last year I counted over 3000 raptors.
Rosetta McClain Gardens is at Kingston Rd and Glen Everest,one stoplight east of Kingston Rd and Birchmount.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by BIGFRANK »


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Thanx for the heads up BigFrank.

Are the particular times when they are most active?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Tyger »


  • Old Timer
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At this point in the year,its very hit and miss. As I live but a 10min walk away,I dont mind spending time there. Not unlike other spots migrating raptors are seen,10am-2pm is peak time,once it is more busy from mid September to lateOctober. High Park in downtown Toronto and Cranberry Marsh in Whitby are the 2 Official Raptor Watch sites locally. Their volume is greater..they start up in September and run till at least midNovemeber daily. Days with North-west winds are most favorable to dependably high volumes of movement,though my highest count totals last season came on SW winds,in mid-October consisting mainly those days of Sharpshinned Hawks.
  In short ...10am-2pm on NW wind days would give your best chance at seeing good numbers of raptors,as well as a good number of species.(15 species of raptor are seen regularily at watch sites in Southern Ontario)
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by BIGFRANK »