Birding May 11-18I did not keep track of the backyard feeders on Monday and Tuesday.
May 13- Flamborough,Ontario
1 Great Blue Heron
10 Kildeer
2 Barn Swallows
Lots of Gulls (Very far away, could not ID)
May 14:
Backyard: 12 Sparrows
4 Robins
2 Cardinals
5 Grackles
Dentist:1 Baltimore Oriole
1 Cardinal
2 Robins
10 House Sparrows
2 Possible Fox Sparrows
2 Chipping Sparrows
1 Mourning Dove
10 Seagulls
May 15:
Backyard25 Sparrows
5 Grackles
4 Robins
4 Red Tailed Hawks (Flying Low)................
May 16- Weather: Rain
6 Turkey Vultures
2 Great Blue Herons
40 Seagulls
2 Sparrows
Drive from Flamborough-Barrie:
16 Turkey Vultures
1 Broad Winged, Sharp Shined, or Red Tailed Hawk sitting on Railway bridge (the hawk was sitting for about 5 seconds then began to fly before I could get decent pictures.)
3 Great Blue Herons
2 American Crows
5 Red Winged Blackbirds
2 Mallards
1 Kildeer
May 17
4 House Sparrows
1 Cardinal
Not much els.........
2 Great Blue Herons
14 Turkey Vultures
29 Seagulls
2 House Sparrows
I was in Flamborough 3 times this week for business purposes.
I had a large trip from Flambrough to Barrie where I saw lots of birds and hawks on the drive there.
Turkey Vultures continue to be seen in large groups from my backyard.
A Coopers Hawk, Broad Winged, Red Tailed Hawk, and Turkey Vulture(s) were seen flying low over my backyard heading for Lake Ontario.
The feeders are still very busy with Sparrows and Cardinals.
I still have not spotted any Orioles at the Oriole feeder.
Still no A.Goldfinches since April 12.
Species Week Total Month Total Spring Total
------------------ ---------------- -------------- ----------------------
American Goldfinch 0- 0- 1
American Robins 12 36 141
Baltimore Orioles 0 0 0
Black Capped Chickadee 0 0 26
Blue Jays 12 36 123
Cardinals 18 36 63
Cedar Waxing 0 0 0
Cowbirds 0 1 3
American Crows 2 4 6
Chipping Sparrow 4 11 16
Grackles 16 42 424
House Sparrows 204 442 1618
Indigo Buntings 0 0 0
Juncos 0 0 16
Mocking Birds 0 0 0
Mourning Dove 12 28 68
Purple Martin 0 0 0
Red Breasted Grosbeak 0 0 0
Red Winged Black Bird 1 3 11
Song Sparrows 1 2 5
White Breasted Nuthatch 0 0 0
White Crowned Sparrow 0 0 0
Black Vulture 0 0 0
Turkey Vulture 38 106 1032
Osprey 0 0 0
Bald Eagle 0 0 0
Northern Harrier 0 0 0
Sharp-shinned Hawk 3 6 12
Cooper's Hawk 1 1 4
Northern Goshawk 0 0 0
Red-shouldered Hawk 0 0 0
Broad-winged Hawk 1 3 6
Red-tailed Hawk 6 7 11
Rough-legged Hawk 0 0 0
Golden Eagle 0 0 0
American Kestrel 0 0 1
Merlin 0 0 0
Peregrine Falcon 0 0 0
Note: All small species are seen at my backyard feeders and all large species are seen in flight.
Pictures: ... 0684954098