The 3 best Toronto sightings of birds I've had were as follows, Oct 1988 3 sandhill cranes, two adults and their juvenile, landed in Humber Marsh evening of Oct 27 1988, gone next morning, Atlantic Gannet seen off Humber Bay west in Nov 1989 and Heerman's gull in winter of 1998.
The rarest bird I have ever seen in my life was back when I was 17, footloose in India, I was south of Delhi in a park called. Keoladeo, there were many waterfowl and hundreds of demoiselle cranes, among them were three white cranes which to my untrained eyes looked like huge white ibises, an Indian gentleman explained to me that these were Siberian cranes which migrated down from central Siberia. This was in 1980 I have never been to India since, read in a recent article that the population of Siberian cranes which wintered in India has since been extirpated, no birds have been seen there since 2002. I realized later how lucky I was to see them.
I'd like to hear more of other peoples rare sightings, esp if from a long time ago.