It would help if you could post larger versions of the images (regardless of whether you'll lose image quality or not) but given the shape of head and beak it is safe to say that this bird is an accipiter. As for which type of accipiter, I'm leaning towards either a Sharp-shinned or Cooper's hawk purely based on the impression I get that the bird has an orangey cheek and that they are a far more common sighting than Goshawk. That said, the apparent bulkiness of the bird and lack of detail in the photos leaves room for the latter. Would you say this bird was smaller larger or around the same size as a crow?
There was another bird but it had swooped down into the arsenal lands to hunt, i'm presuming and it left this one sitting in the tree, but they were making such a noise before that so i went over to see what the commotion was about, and i found this bird. (this was in Marie Curtis Park on the Mississauga side) I wonder if this bird might be a juvenile?
i just viewed your pictures and it does have a similar tail as your northern goshawk, the tree was too high, the sun was right above me and it was difficult to get a good lighting (high noon is a bad time to take tree top pics, well, for me anyways)
i also saw a baltimore oriole and a cedar waxwing today, such pretty birds!