Good evening
Today Margaret Liubavicius, Ian Cannel and I birded the Toronto Islands and though we did not have a fallout we certainly benefited by the increase in numbers and species. It was a beautiful day to be out with a light northerly wind to start and overnight and it promised to be a birdy day.
Following are some of the 82 species we found along with some of the numbers.
Horned Grebe, Hooded Merganser, Solitary Sandpiper, 3 Black-billed Cuckoos, Belted Kingfishers, 9 Flycatcher species including 5 Olive-sided Flycatchers, 5 E. Wood Pewees, 29 Least Flycatchers, 8 E. Phoebes, 14 Great-crested Flycatchers and 20 E. Kingbirds, 21 warbling Vireos, 12 Red-eyed Vireos, Hermit Thrush, 20 Gray catbirds, Carolina Wren, 8 Blue-gray Gnatcatchers, 50+ Cedar Waxwings, 22 Warbler species including Tennessee, Chestnut-sided, 63 Magnolia, Cape May, 32 Yellow-rumped, Blackburnian, Pine, Blackpoll, 11 Northern Waterthrush, 1 adult female Connecticut, 2 Mourning, 7 Wlson's, and 10 Canada Warblers, 1 early White-throated Sparrow, 41 baltimore Orioles.
A good day with even better ones to come in the next 2 weeks.