My friend has been visiting an eagle's nest in Vancouver almost daily for the past several weeks. Eaglet #1 fledged June 26, #2 fledged June 30th. They have been flying around the nest tree and still don't go very far. They hang out together on lamp posts, buildings etc., but the one thing I'd not heard of before is the bigger eaglet has brought food to the smaller one on at least 2 occasions this week.
I've watched eagles on web cams for the past few years but this is the first time I've had access, even though it's long distance, to fledglings who are hanging out around the tree. With web cams you only see the nest so this has been a real treat. My question is, is it typical behaviour for one sibling to bring food to another? I've seen eaglets mantle over food and they protect it like it's gold.
My friend has also taken pictures of the bigger eaglet with crows. This is also interesting to see because they're usually enemies. He has a video clip of the eaglet and a crow about a meter apart, the crow cawing and the eaglet chirping. He has another picture of the eaglet eating on a boat in the marina with 3 crows on the boat next to him.