Hi All
First post and I'm by no means a bird expert but I have been watching birds curiously for more than 40 years mostly in Southern Ontario Niagara region. About a month ago what I believe was a Sparrow made a nest in one of my Juniper topiary's where I was able to view the nest from my front porch. First there was a beige with brown speckled egg layed then about a day later 3 slightly smaller turqoise colored eggs appeared. I thought this strange as I believe birds lay all the same colored eggs and size. Well, after a week or so all 4 eggs hatched and all the baby birds looked similar - I think all baby birds look the same when they don't have their feathers. For the next few weeks I observed them being fed by the parents and growing. I would get within inches of the nest to push back branches to get a better look at the babys inside the nest and I believe the parents at one time or another seen me doing this. One day I seen a squirrel around the area and I was concerned that maybe the squirrel would get into the nest and kill them as I've had Cardinals nest a number of past seasons and lay there eggs in nearby shrubs only to discover that something had killed the babys or eggs each time. I observed that the parents chirp would arouse a flury of chirps from the babys knowing that food was on its way. Even when I pulled back branches to get a closer look the babys would stretch there necks and open there beaks for food but would not make a sound unless I simulated a chirp, a good defence mechanism I thought, not to alert any predators to there where abouts. One day when I was getting close to take a look one of the baby's flew out (i.e. I assume it may have been the one from the beige/brown speckled egg, but who knows. One evening around dusk, I heard a lot of chirping coming from the nest and I just assumed they were being fed and were really hungry. The next day when I looked in the nest 2 of the remaining 3 baby's were lying dead and the 3rd was nowhere to be found. I didn't look too close at the dead baby's being a bit disturbed by the situation but I belive there were no real signs of trauma except for a few marks which maybe consistant with bird pecks rather than a critter/cat killing them. My questions: Are there birds around here which will lay there eggs in other bird's nest for them to raise? Did my presence cause the parents to kill the baby birds (i.e. I was always told to never touch a birds egg as the parents will sense this and kill/abandon the eggs) or is it a characteristic that Sparrows have to only allow the strong to live (i.e. the babys that flew away or are unaccounted for) - survival of the fittest. And they killed the babys? If it was a critter that killed the babys, in the future can I place a cage around the nest which will have holes big enough for the birds to access but keep critters out?
Sorry for the long post