I found the turtle in our backyard Thursday July 30 at about 8:30 pm. I estimated the shell length at about 14".
The next morning I talked to my neighbour and she informed me that she had found the turtle in her backyard on Wed. afternoon . It stayed about an hour or so and then disappeared. She measured the shell at 18" front to back along its top.
While comparing photos we spotted the turtle back down in the park heading for the Black Creek.
Smythe Park has wetlands at the south side where I assume it normally resides.
In order for the turtle to reach our yards at the north side of the park it would have to travel about 100 yds, crossing the Black Creek Flood Control Channel along the way and then climbing a 45 degree hill with an elevation of about 35 ft.
My neighbour and I were both amazed!
I reported the sighting to the Toronto Zoo Turtle Tally.