In spite of the cold, the wind, and the rain, there were some good birds at Col Sam Smith Park today:
Common Loon
Red-necked Grebe
Horned Grebe
Caspian Tern
Chimney SwiftEastern Phoebe
Purple Martin
Tree Swallow
N Rough-winged Swallow
Cliff SwallowBarn Swallow
Brown Thrasher
Yellow-rumped Warbler
Fox Sparrow
Eastern Phoebe
There were good numbers of Hermit Thrush and lots of White-throated Sparrows, Juncos, and Ruby-crowned Kinglets. Golden-crowned Kinglets were around, but far less numerous than the RC.
And for the fans of the old format board, I can assure you that making a list like the one above is
way easier on this board!