22 Migrating Raptors Rosetta McClain Gardens,Scarborough
Outdoor Ontario

22 Migrating Raptors Rosetta McClain Gardens,Scarborough


  • Old Timer
  • *****
    • Posts: 417
Northeast winds all day resulted in a great early migrant count. I saw 22 Raptors,between 8am and about 230pm. I saw 7 Osprey,all but one passing very close to the bluff I watch from. 10 Kestrels,a few were 2 at a time,3 Sharpshinned Hawks,a Coopers Hawk(not the local),and a Northern Harrier.  There were very few small birds around today. My total thus far for August is 106 raptors. September should bring about 1000 or more if things hold true to last season.
   Rosetta McClain Memorial Gardens is at Kingston Rd and Gleneverest Rd in Scarborough,one stoplight east of Kingston Rd and Birchmount Rd. (note..no dogs,bike riding or picnics in the park)
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by BIGFRANK »