47 Raptors Rosetta McClain Gardens
Outdoor Ontario

47 Raptors Rosetta McClain Gardens


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Hi gang,Im counting daily,and my patience paid off today,with 47 birds of prey today. 2 TUrkey Vultures(likely going elsewhere to stage),3 Osprey,2 Northern Harriers,a Coopers Hawk and 2 Redtails.  All 3 falcons were seen,accounting for 4 American Kestrels,a Peregrine Falcon and a Merlin. A 2nd Year Bald Eagle went over,while we showed it to several passersby. There is a good chance this is the same bird,Cranberry Marsh had. Sharp-shinned Hawks were the dominant bird,with 30. One gave us a show as it dove for a Red-winged Blackbird,though it came up empty.

Rosetta McClain Gardens is at Kingston Rd and Gleneverest,one light east of Kingston Rd and Birchmount.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by BIGFRANK »

Elle (Markham)

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I've never been in Rosetta McClain Gardens so if I go there, where in the park would I see all these birds you mentioned?  Also, can I bring my dog along for a walk?  She's a small dog and can be carried in my arms.  

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Elle (Markham) »


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Hi Elle,I generally stand at the edge of the bluffs along the fenceline,there is a big central fountain,U will see me from there(Im hard to miss). Please understand these birds are migrating,rarely landing in the park(that said today a juvenile Broadwinged Hawk perched today within the park providing awesome views). Northwest wind days can be very good. Today I saw only 7 raptors,but had great views of Osprey,Broadwinged Hawk,a Peregrine Falcon,several Sharpies and a Coopers Hawk. Right now days with Northwest winds,are a good bet for a good count. Many other small birds can also be seen,today several Swainsons Thrushes,and various warblers were seen.
   Unfortunately no dogs are allowed in the park,as its used alot for wedding photos,heavily used by retired or rehabing folks for walking and is a garden rather then a park and not all dog owners are considerate. I hope to see you there. If U want updates,see my blog at http://raptorwatch.blogspot.com  Check the archieved Welcome for info. BIGFRANK
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by BIGFRANK »