Hi gang,Im counting daily,and my patience paid off today,with 47 birds of prey today. 2 TUrkey Vultures(likely going elsewhere to stage),3 Osprey,2 Northern Harriers,a Coopers Hawk and 2 Redtails. All 3 falcons were seen,accounting for 4 American Kestrels,a Peregrine Falcon and a Merlin. A 2nd Year Bald Eagle went over,while we showed it to several passersby. There is a good chance this is the same bird,Cranberry Marsh had. Sharp-shinned Hawks were the dominant bird,with 30. One gave us a show as it dove for a Red-winged Blackbird,though it came up empty.
Rosetta McClain Gardens is at Kingston Rd and Gleneverest,one light east of Kingston Rd and Birchmount.