Hawk Hill in High Park - Raptor migration
Outdoor Ontario

Hawk Hill in High Park - Raptor migration


  • Old Timer
  • *****
    • Posts: 1520
Hi Guys

 Decided to head for Hawk Hill in High Park despite the iffy weather report and I am glad I did as after the morning showers it kind of cleared up and some Raptors decided to ignore the weather as well and put in an appearance over the hill. Following are the Raptor counts and some other worth while mentions

- 2 Ospreys, 1 juvenile Bald Eagle, 3 northern Harriers, 91 Sharp-shinned Hawks, 12 Cooper's hawks, 41 Broad-winged hawks (1 kettle of 29 birds), 12 Red-tailed Hawks, 33 American Kestrels, 2 Merlins, 2 Peregrine Falcons, 350+ Chimney Swifts, 75+ Tree Swallows, 168 Canada Geese, 134 Cedar Waxwings, and 2 Common Loons. The aforementioned birds were migrants. Also on the hill were 9 Chipping Sparrows 3 Northern Flickers and on and over the hill 42 American Goldfinch.

 Tomorrow promises NE winds, partly cloudy and 17 degrees. A combination that could, I repeat could mean a significant Raptor movement. :D
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Anonymous »