180 Raptors, etc. at hawk Hill in High Park
Outdoor Ontario

180 Raptors, etc. at hawk Hill in High Park


  • Old Timer
  • *****
    • Posts: 1520
Good evening folks

 Today Sept. 15th despite the fact that the weatherman blew it again  :x  and we had 100 % cloud cover over Toronto I still felt it was better to be on The Hill than not, everyone has to be somewhere.

 It wasn't a great day but it was a good day as we did see 180 Raptors including 1 Turkey Vulture, 1 N.Harrier, 4 Osprey, 7 Bald Eagles (1 adult and 6 juveniles), 70 Sharp-shinned Hawks, 7 Cooper's Hawks, 61 Broad-winged Hawks, 18 Red-tailed Hawks, 3 A. Kestrels, 2 Merlins, and 4 Peregrine Falcons. Unless the Broad-winged Hawks passed over the Oak Ridge Morain today then we may have some great viewing days as a cold front passes through next Tuesday. Tuesday and especially Wednesday should produce very good Raptor days. (do not quote me).
 Other birds seen on and over Hawk Hill today were 69 Chimney Swifts, 43 Cedar Waxwings, 15 Common Loons, 1 scarlet tanager that posed for about 10 minutes, 6 R-T Hummingbirds, Red-eyed Vireo and 14 Chipping Sparrows.

 All and all a nice day to be out, so see you on The Hill ?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Anonymous »