View from our kitchen window and a visit to Earl Bales Park
Outdoor Ontario

View from our kitchen window and a visit to Earl Bales Park

Leslie Kinrys

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The way our neighbourhood is laid out, I look out from our kitchen window and see one giant backyard. Sometimes it is the best place to be for birds and their interesting behaviours. Today in our little yard, I watched a male and a female N. Flicker trying to bully each other out of the garden. They faced each other and swayed, bills pointed in the air. (They looked as if they were dancing.) The female gave in, but returned later. Besides all the regulars, there were: 2 Chickadees, 2 Red-breasted Nuthatches, 1 Gray Catbird, 1 A. Redstart, 1 White-throated Sparrow, 1 Swainson's Thrush, and 2 female Rose-breated Grosbeaks feeding on the berries of a weedy vine. (It pays sometimes to be a lazy gardener.) Blue Jays flew through the area and in my neighbours' yards I saw a Red-eyed Vireo, a Least Flycatcher, 1Chipping Sparrow and another grosbeak (a small flock must have been passing through).

Mid-afternoon we visited Earl Bales Park (Bathurst/Sheppard area). There were many warblers passing through. They were high in the trees. I saw Chestnut-sided, Wilson's, Nashville, Magnolia, and a male Black-throated Blue. He was really cooperative, flying around in front of us and giving us great views from every angle. I enjoyed watching him glean a spider's web.(Too bad other warblers aren't so obliging.) There were 4 Gray Catbirds and Red-eyed Vireo. And 1 very small E. Cottontail Rabbit.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Leslie Kinrys »
The bird lady of the tower.


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Hey Leslie

unlike you, our back yard has become very quite. (I have been very busy with another reno project. Therefore feeders have been neglected somewhat..

3 days between  refill's etc..)

Even still there has been  a major decline in the amount of song birds in my area.

One thing that might be of interest,  last week while at work a small Kestrel was trapped and taken to the Wildlife center at Carl rd. downsview.

I had a chance to get good close  look at the little one.  The little guy was almost tame.  I was able to get within a foot or so as he hid behind a large  

Ventilation unit.  The big security duds that infect our workplace took little one the the wild life centre .  I called the place (Wildlife center)  too make sure

the cute little one made it there..  Other news, Our big White queen of the Milton pond seems to have moved on. (Info for Al Johnston).. Who knows, she

could be back next week (it has happened before)

Other than that nothing new from Milton

I did spot a Black and White Warbler a week ago in my tree.....  look in "My Yard"  album  

(me  way to busy)

 :lol: naper :lol:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Napper »
Interesting site you should check out is
flkr...   Recent updates 2017 old pics
You know your getting old when.....wait, what?