Hey guys
I realize that the qty I saw today is nowhere near what your seeing down at the Lake shore but today over CFB Downsview there were quite a few hawks 20 or more soaring on thermals. I generally do not bring bino's to work but I might start just doing that..(Way to high to I.d.) At lunch today they rolled out the 88% scale replica of the Avro arrow or CF-105 from the paint Shop. I am waiting patiently for the images to be sent to me. If anyone is interested I can post them later, It is quite impressive..
At home it is very quiet (yes, I spelled it correct this time). Only a few Chickadees and some Bluejays plus one unidentified Accipiter. I tried to grab a shot of the thing, in the process I think I scared a a couple of people walking along the pathway behind my house with my camera. (The cursing didn't help)