Well, we've gone and are back.
We had added about 23 new species to our lifelists, including all 3 Rosy-finches, Rock and Cactus Wren, Roadrunner, Gambel's Quail, Canyon Towhee, Pyrrhuluxia, Curved-billed Thrasher, Ladder-backed Woodpecker, Townsends Solitaire, Mountain Chickadee, Red-backed Junco, California Gull, White-winged dove, Mountain and Western Bluebirds, Juniper Titmouse, Ross's Goose, Great-tailed Grackle, Chihuahuan Raven and Lesser Goldfinch.
Notable misses were the Aplomado falcon (we think we may have seen it, but it was at a distance and wasn't conclusive), Clark's grebe, Crissal Thrasher, Scaled Quail, Cassin's Finch, Brewer's sparrow (we might still find one in the files).
We got really great looks at many of the above species as well as good looks at the Sandhill Cranes, Snow and Ross's Geese, Harriers, Ferruginous Hawk, Prairie Falcon, Western Red-tailed Hawks etc.