High Park duck ponds
Outdoor Ontario

High Park duck ponds

Dr. John

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Took a casual stroll around the duck ponds with my in-laws, not specifically for birdwatching. But we did a reasonable variety over a short hour. There were mallards, gadwalls, and wood ducks in the lower pond, plus a few juvenile double-crested cormorants (one was fishing very close and we had great views). At the northern edge of the pond there was a black crowned night heron. At the middle pond, there were more gadwalls, mallards, wood ducks, a belted kingfisher, and a great blue heron. The north pond had more ducks, a great egret, and a green heron. The green heron was patiently fishing within a few feet of us and we could see in detail what it was doing. Flying around were also a northern flicker, several downy woodpeckers, a flock of cedar waxwings, blue jays, black capped chickadees, and a red tailed hawk.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Dr. John »