Outdoor Ontario


Ron Luft

  • Old Timer
  • *****
    • Posts: 204
When I'm not birding I will often be "Botanizing" instead or along side of birding. It fills in the gaps when birding is slow and makes for a great all around experience, especially in places like Carden, L.Erie north shore parks, High Park.

On that note (botany) I was on a seed collecting evnt with the NCC near Rice Lake on Saturday which was great fun. After we wound up a couple of us headed to Presqu'ille P.P. and while birding was quiet (to be expected on first day of duck hunting season). We opted for botany and were hugely rewarded. If anyone else is interested I would highly recommend atrip in the next wekk or so as our high lights included Bearberry, Obedient Plant, Grass of Parnassus, Ladies Tresses, Closed Gentian and (star of the show) Fringed Gentian to mention a few. All in full bloom with the Fringed just opening for this week. Park at closed entrance to Beach #2 and explore the dunes opposite and the nearby roadsides. Spectacular. We did see Pied and Redneck Grebes on the lakeside and 3 of the biggest Bullfrogs I've seen in avery long time. One at least 8-9", almost scary.

The park is south of the 401 near Brighton. Well posted with signage. Don't forget to stop at the Big Apple near Cobourg for some pie(s). If that doesn't make for agreat trip.....
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Ron Luft »
Good spotting! Never leave your bins at home.