Rosetta McClain Raptor Watch 211raptors today
Outdoor Ontario

Rosetta McClain Raptor Watch 211raptors today


  • Old Timer
  • *****
    • Posts: 417
Ive had plenty of help the last several days spotting and IDing. The weatherman has consistantly been wrong,but its worked out great becuz,our winds have been Northwest rather then whatever has been predicted. The last few days I had 67,11 and 75 raptors. Peregrine Falcons are moving alot along the lakeshore,with fantastic views of several 14 in the 3 days and today another 5.
Todays total included
Turkey Vulture....................1
Northern Harrier.................29
Sharpshinned Hawk...........120
Coopers Hawk.....................3
Broadwinged Hawk..............13
Redtailed Hawk....................2
American Kestrel.................34
Peregrine Falcon...................5
Thanks to Colin,Rodger,Jane,Ron,Jean,Eleanor,Carol,Gunner,Mary,Andrew and Terry for their contributions to the count and very enjoyable days.
  Rosetta McClain Gardens is located at Kingston Rd and Gleneverest Rd. One stoplight east of Kingston Rd and Birchmount in Scarborough.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by BIGFRANK »