Also not wanting to debate just posting for the info provided.
Subject: Presqu'ile - Barred Owls and baiting with mice.
From: "Bree, David (MNR)" <david>
Date: Wed, 23 Dec 2009 08:24:55 -0500
There are a record number of Barred Owls in Presqu'ile at the moment.
Eleven birds were tallied on the Christmas Bird Count on the weekend.
It has also been brought to my attention that some photographers are
"baiting" the owls with live mice in order to get better pictures. The
ethics of this have been debated in the past and I don't intend to do so
again. However as a Provincial Park we do have some different rules
governing our land base and while I am not an enforcement officer I have
made some enquiries regarding the legality of this practice. I offer
the following as food for thought.
It is illegal to:
- feed wildlife in the park without written permission from the
- leave animal attractants out in the park
- capture and hold native species of mice
In addition
If the mice are store-bought and are being used in this way there is
potential for charges under the Ontario Society for the Prevention of
Cruelty to Animals Act.
It is also illegal to harass wildlife which might occur if someone was
continuously flushing an owl to try and get a picture.
I certainly want people to come into the park and enjoy the chance to
see and take pictures of owls and other wildlife but I also want people
to do so in a responsible manner. Please be respectful of the park, its
environment and its wildlife.
Thank You
David Bree
Natural Heritage Education (NHE) Leader
Presqu'ile Provincial Park